Marvel Snap: In-Depth Review of September's New Spider Cards

by William Hernandez September 5, 2024

Marvel Snap Amazing Spider-Season promo wallpaper shows Symbiote Spider-Man, Silver Sable, and Scarlet Spider

The Young Avengers made for a fun little month, but things are getting a lot more serious in Marvel Snap in September. The Amazing Spider-Season is bringing all-new, spider-related cards, headlined by the likes of Symbiote Spider-Man and Scarlet Spider. The introduction of Activate effects is also something noteworthy about the season. To put it lightly, this game is going to change a lot.

Here in this article, we'll be providing an in-depth review of every card that has been and will be released in this Amazing Spider-Season. Of course, that means we're starting off with the season pass card, Symbiote Spider-Man.

Symbiote Spider-Man — Activate Your "Trap" Card

Symbiote Spider-Man — [4/6] — Activate: Merge your lowest-Cost card here with this. Copy its text like it just revealed

Symbiote Spider-Man is as good as his effect would seem. He's even better honestly. He just gives you so many different ways to play your deck. Symbiote Spider-Man is unpredictable and that makes it really hard to specifically counter the card. He could merge with Alioth in one game and then merge with Gwenpool in another.

Symbiote Spider-Man makes Darkhawk decks better. He makes Destroy decks better. He makes Junk decks better. I think I've gotten my point across…Symbiote Spider-Man is an insanely strong card and it is no hyperbole to say that he has re-invented how Marvel Snap can be played. This card can abuse the game's mechanics like no other.

Symbiote Spider-Man base card art in Marvel Snap

Silver Sable — What A Steal

Silver Sable — [1/1] — On Reveal: Steal 2 Power from the top card of your opponent's deck

Silver Sable may not be a spider of any sorts, but her small bites really hurt. Just on activating her effect once, Silver Sable ends up as an effective 1/5. She easily puts Martyr to shame.

Because Silver Sable is a 1-Cost card with an On Reveal effect, you can absolutely bet that she fits right into Bounce decks. Even if you only get to activate her effect just one extra time, Silver Sable still ends up with an effective 9 Power. That's not an insignificant number coming from a 1-Cost. Silver Sable isn't exactly meta defining, but she's a great generic 1-Cost card to have around.

Silver Sable base card art in Marvel Snap

Madame Web — Madame Of Move

Madame Web — [2/1] — Ongoing: You can move one of your other cards away from here each turn

Madame Web will prove to be a very capable enabler of Move decks. She might honestly be too good of an option as her measly 2-Cost makes Mystique a little too strong of a companion card for her. Conceptually, that amount of free movement should be able to win most games. Madame Web is a must-have for any Move deck that wants to be both flexible and competitive. She may very well be a broken card within that niche.

Madame Web base card art in Marvel Snap

Araña — Just The Right Pull

Araña — [1/1] — Activate: Give the next card you play +2 Power and move it to the right

Araña is an interesting 1-Cost card as she can — in some ways — operate like a cheaper version of Forge whose effect can activate at any time during the game. She only seems to add power to a card after it has been revealed, though, so she isn't exactly going to be best friends with cards like Brood and Mister Sinister. She's more going to be useful for cards who only care about their own power - the Human Torch being an obvious partner for her.

The teaser for the September season also suggests that she'll pair nicely with Spider-Man 2099. An immediate use of his destroying effect on Turn 5 certainly sounds pretty good, but I have my doubts that Araña will boost that card's play rate in any substantial way.

Arana base card art in Marvel Snap

Scarlet Spider — Double The Spider

Scarlet Spider — [4/5] — Activate: Add an exact clone of this to another location

Scarlet Spider starts off, conceptually, as a 4/10 after activating his effect. I'm not sure who was in charge of balancing him, but that already seems a little too good to me…Now, let's say Araña or Forge gives him +2 Power. Scarlet Spider, all of the sudden, is a 4/14. That takes almost no effort at all. Now, Scarlet Spider is somewhat randomly spreading his power, but there isn't really any downside to that. It still gives you a lot of leverage.

Scarlet Spider was made for decks built around the likes of Phastos, Okoye, and Nakia, just to name a few. Any kind of passive power buff is effectively doubled on Scarlet Spider so he gets more value out of those cards. Scarlet Spider should also combo particularly well with Namora. She'll make him, at minimum, an effective 20 Power card. Scarlet Spider is pretty solid, to say the least.

Scarlet Spider base card art in Marvel Snap

This September season of Marvel Snap is one that you can't miss. These new Activate effects are revolutionizing the game. We're now in an entirely new era of Marvel Snap. It'll be really interesting to see how the meta evolves over the next month. These new cards might be in for some heavy balancing.