We Played Over 50 Steam Next Fest Demos. Here Are 5 Games You NEED To Try Out

by William Hernandez June 25, 2024

Steam Next Fest key visual

It's undeniable that Steam Next Fest is great for gaming. It's a huge benefit for developers, both big and small, to have so many eyes on their projects before release. You don't even need to have a massive marketing campaign to make some headway and draw attention. Good games get people interested.

What I'm going to be focusing on here are all the especially great games that I had the privilege of playing. That's not to say that these are the only games worth considering. No. Far from that. These simply are the ones that stood out the most in my personal opinion. They were either really fun, really engaging, or really polished. They may be perfect for you. They may not be. But before I get into my favorites, I do want to put the spotlight on some honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions: CONSCRIPT, Hidden in my Paradise, Parcel Corps, and Rapid Soccer

When thinking about survival horror, a 2D game isn't something that ever comes to mind. Conceptually, it just doesn't seem like it could work anywhere near as well. CONSCRIPT very much proves that wrong, though. The sound design and the atmosphere stand out in particular, with the game using World War I as a highly effective setting. And the game may be in 2D, but the combat doesn't really suffer for it. It's just a different style of gameplay, not really better or worse. The traditional survival horror qualities of the game probably could have been shown off more, but, regardless, I think there's a lot of potential in this title. CONSCRIPT releases on July 23, 2024.

Hidden in my Paradise is a cute, little, hidden object game. It's nothing too intensive or exciting, but sometimes all you need are the cozy things in life. The art style is very charming and probably the main draw for me. Everything is just so easy to look at and that's always of great importance for any game that wants you looking attentively at your screen for minutes on end. Incorporating the ability to share worlds with other players online is also just great thinking from the developer's part. Not only does that increase the game's longevity, but I think it also serves as great motivation to actually build a paradise of your own. It's a distinctive feature of Hidden in my Paradise so it only makes sense to make the most of it. Hidden in my Paradise releases some time later in 2024.

Okay. Now, think about Jet Set Radio. Now, imagine if it was based entirely around bikes. You basically end up with Parcel Corps and the game doesn't try to hide the inspiration whatsoever. Your main job in Parcel Corps is simply to be the best delivery driver you can be. On a bike, of course. The demo primarily shows off timed missions, but there's a level of freedom to the game as well. The gameplay isn't exactly intuitive, but it is rewarding and just plain fun. It definitely takes a while to get the hang of all the tricks you can do, but it feels really nice to land them all even once you are fairly familiar with them. The game's personality is also pretty strong if you're into that. Maybe it doesn't feel entirely authentic to itself, but, hey, good music is good music. Parcel Corps releases on September 3, 2024.

Rapid Soccer...looks like shovelware. I can't really sugarcoat it. Presentation-wise, the game is extremely unremarkable. But you know what isn't unremarkable? The gameplay. Rapid Soccer, especially when playing with friends, is ridiculously fun. Maybe it's the game's physics. Maybe the game of football itself is just so fun that standards go out the window. I don't know what it is, but Rapid Soccer is just a great time. It's one of those things where you just need to try it for yourself. It definitely feels janky, but that's part of the charm. Rapid Soccer releases some time later in 2024.

CONSCRIPT, Hidden in My Paradise, Parcel Corps, and Rapid Soccer wallpaper collage

Aero GPX

Alright, now we're getting to the really good stuff. Aero GPX is a high-velo, anti-gravity racer, very similar to the likes of F-Zero GX. Tight controls. Intense speeds. The brutal nature of the races. It's all there. And if we're being completely honest, Aero GPX is probably a much more enjoyable experience for the average person; everything about the game is just a lot more palatable. Part of that has to do with the very responsive handling. Aero GPX just feels better in your hands because it recognizes your inputs almost instantly. Control is key and you definitely feel in control. Races are a lot more exciting when you feel like you can actually complete them, y'know?

While the gameplay may be the main draw, Aero GPX is a great experience all-around. The music is fantastic; it establishes the mood of the game perfectly and fits in seamlessly. And, the graphics aren't exactly the most impressive, but the art style grows on you quick. Futuristic racers love to go for a realistic look so Aero GPX ends up standing out a bit. In a good way. Then there's the map design. And all the unique character designs. A lot of love clearly went into this game and there's plenty to be excited about. Aero GPX releases some time later in 2024.

Aero GPX icon wallpaper

I Am Your Beast

I can't even begin to describe how impressed I was with I Am Your Beast. The intro is very well-designed and is a great hook for the rest of what the demo has to offer. Despite becoming familiar with the gameplay mechanics first, it's the narrative that really draws you in at the beginning. The way that the game tells its story is unconventional, but highly effective. The characters are complex and engaging - the voice work really making them stand out. Now, add in the music, the inner monologues, the plot developments. I Am Your Beast crafts a very strong atmosphere without needing much visuals. That's insanely impressive.

Let's actually talk about the gameplay, though, because, my God, it feels amazing. The game just feels so smooth to play and it makes the fast-paced action feel all the more satisfying. Having multiple ways to take down enemies means that there are just about an infinite number of decisions you can make at a moment's notice. And that's what really attractive about the game to me. Ultimately, it breaks down into a game of strategy. And whether you strategize beforehand or make a split-second decision in the midst of the battlefield, it just feels good to get things right. Oh, and being able to throw weapons just feels cool. That doesn't need any explaining. I Am Your Beast releases August 15, 2024.

I Am Your Beast icon wallpaper

Metal Slug Tactics

SNK has been quite adamant about wanting to reinvent their old series; Metal Slug Tactics is a clear indicator that they're staying true to their word (note: Lekir Studio is the lead developer of this game and it is being published by Dotemu). A tactical RPG probably isn't what you'd expect from a series dedicated to the run n' gun genre, but, honestly, it fits into the Metal Slug world quite well. The weaponry is translated pretty seamlessly into the gameplay and, overall, Tactics feels well-thought-out. It might take some getting used to, though, as there are a lot of different systems in play. It might be a little hard for players to remember everything that they have at their disposal, but, I guess, that happens with most strategy games. Regardless, Metal Slug Tactics is very thought-provoking and it provides great challenge. It doesn't care to ease you in and, honestly, I like that. It feels pretty unique for a tactical RPG and that's always a good thing. That means there's passion behind the work.

Another thing that stood out to me was how charming the game actually is. Most strategy games don't really care about the personality that they exude, but I feel like it comes so naturally to Metal Slug Tactics. The sprites and the animations are nice to look at and they're full of life. The characters feel distinctive even though they get so little individual focus in the demo. And the music, with the slightly retro soundfont, is just beautiful to listen to. Everything adds up to a great experience and I really hope that the final product delivers. Metal Slug Tactics releases in Q4 of 2024.

Metal Slug Tactics icon wallpaper

Saeko Giantess Dating Sim

Don't get hung up on the name, Saeko Giantess Dating Sim is absolutely worth experiencing for yourself. If you're (rationally) expecting an average dating sim, well, it's pretty far from that. I'm not going to call it the next Doki Doki Literature Club because I doubt that this will manage to find mass appeal, but it's definitely of that ilk. It subverts the genre in a way that you just can't possibly expect.

The demo is just a mere taste of what the full game has to offer, but I thoroughly enjoyed the level of interactivity that the game has. A lot of visual novels struggle to give the player meaningful amounts of agency, but that's not a problem here in Saeko Giantess Dating Sim. I really wish I could say more, but I really don't want to spoil anything even if this is just the demo. It's better to go in blind. I'm very much excited to see where the story goes and I think many of you will feel similarly. Saeko Giantess Dating Sim releases some time later in 2024.

Saeko Giantess Dating Sim icon wallpaper

Victory Heat Rally

Okay, trust me, I'm not a huge racing fan. This is here off of pure merit alone. Victory Heat Rally is a retro-style arcade racer and it's probably the best arcade racer I've touched in years. It's fun to look at, it controls very nicely, and the courses offer a solid amount of variety in terms of challenge and gimmicks. Victory Heat Rally has basically everything you could want in an arcade racer. It may not have modern graphics, but it's 2.5D, pixelated-style genuinely stands out more than any realistic racing game over the past decade.

Attention to detail is Victory Heat Rally's specialty. The game overall feels incredibly polished. It genuinely surprised me how good the racing felt even on super simple introductory courses. The drifting and handling just feels perfect. And the animations add enough flair that it's impossible to get tired of driving flawlessly. The racing is fundamentally rewarding every step of the way. That's harder to get right than you would think. I'm looking forward to to the full game, if only to finally experience everything without the persistent audio bug that my demo had. Yeah, that's how much the gameplay impressed me. The demo blew my ears out within a couple of minutes of playing and I'm still recommending it to everyone. Victory Heat Rally releases in Winter 2024.

Victory Heat Rally icon wallpaper

By the time this releases, the Next Fest will long have been over so some demos might not still be available. Still, it's worth watching some trailers if only for the extra visibility. While I do want you to play the games that I mentioned because I genuinely believe in their quality, I implore you to simply try out whatever looks interesting to you. It means a lot to developers for you to play their game. An extra wishlist can make a world of a difference. Indie development is something we the people need to support. Because if we don't, who will?